We offer residential and essential services to adults with developmental disabilities at locations throughout Hamilton, Ontario — at our agency’s own apartment in the west end and in the homes of the individuals we support.
1590 Main Street West Residential Apartment Living
This low-rise building with outdoor amenity space supports up to 33 adults with developmental disabilities in eleven 3-bedroom apartments. Individuals pay their own rent, live in their own space, and receive staff supports based on their goals and needs. Supports vary from 24-hour care to just a few hours per week for budgeting or meal-planning. The building offers laundry facilities, underground parking, security monitoring, and is wheelchair accessible on the main floor.
HOMES Program (Specialized Supports)
Lawson Ministries Hamilton provides support to adults with a dual diagnosis of a developmental disability and psychiatric condition such as bi-polar disorder or early childhood trauma. We also support people with challenging and aggressive behaviors. Environment can often play a factor in the types of behavior an individual may present. This is evident in positive behavioral changes that can result from relocating an individual to a more appropriate setting. In all situations, we encourage the people we support to maintain close family contacts.
We also provide therapeutic support through high staffing levels, behaviour regimens developed in consultation with Hamilton Brant Behavior Services and other community professionals, and by monitoring prescribed medication. Links are established with other community agencies for day programs, joint initiatives, as well as the sharing of training and other services. The Salvation Army Lawson Ministries Hamilton promotes an environment based on sound moral values, while respecting the religious and personal beliefs of each person.
For more information or to arrange a site visit, please contact:
Katie Castellan Residential Program Director