We were notified today by Hamilton Public Health that one of our participants with our program has tested positive with COVID-19. We are taking every precaution to protect all residents and staff. We have implemented the outbreak protocols and we are following all direction from Public Health. Anyone who may have been exposed to the virus will be contacted by Public Health or a member of our management team. Stay safe, stay home and save lives. For any questions please contact Deanna Finch-Smith, Executive Director at deannafinch-smith@lawsonministries.org
Covid 19 Update
ALL non essential programs and services are on hold until further notice. These include the following
Our essential residential services will remain operational with strict precautionary measures taken to ensure the safety of our clients and our staff. This will continue to be a top priority at all essential sites.
The Caledonia Thrift store has re opened and is accepting donations! We continue to take precautions to keep our staff and customers safe. A mask is mandatory for store entry.
We continue to work with our trainers to develop methods of continuing training in a safe manner. Information regarding upcoming NVCI and First Aid classes will be available soon.
All team meetings, committee meetings, Christian Education are available via ZOOM. STRIVE is also offering online programs. Contact Josh Dion-Broadley or Shannon Despond for more information.
For information on Employment supports please contact Theresa Speers.
Employees who have traveled internationally will not be permitted to return to work until they have been symptom-free for 14 days following their return to the country. Please contact Maria Cipolla-Virly directly if you have been out of the country to make arrangements.
The social media accounts for Lawson Ministries will remain active with updates. Links can be found at the top of this page.
Essential visits are taking place safely in our outdoor visiting center. Individuals receiving support from Lawson are able to complete activity requests to make sure any outing is in a safe environment. These are on hold for the moment as of October 9, 2020.
We are continuing to monitor this situation with extreme caution. We will continue to provide a clean and safe environment. Our goal remains to keep everyone safe and healthy as possible.
Residential Supports