Community Participation Supports

 The CPS program provides community based supports to adults with disabilities.  Our focus is skills and education, recreation, volunteering.  The support provided are individualized based on each person’s specific interests and goals and are geared to increase independence in all areas of life. Activities are outcome-based and designed to achieve goals.

While no one person’s days or support look exactly the same, examples of activities may include bowling, swimming, social skills classes, supported volunteer and employment placements, travel training, educational supports such as DARE and L4L, music programs, art classes, cooking classes,  and much more. Our focus is on the development of transferable skills that will allow each person to increase their independence and to become more integrated into their community.   

Autism Centre

The Lawson Ministries Hamilton Autism Centre at 533 Main Street East in Hamilton offers a safe, secure, accessible, and stunning location for individuals with autism to develop skills and participate in activities regardless of where they fit on the ASD spectrum. As with all our agency services, support for autistic adults are individualized and outcome-based. Each person’s own interests, abilities, and goals determine the design of their unique program. Essential social skills training is knitted into each service. Staff are trained to ensure people are engaged and challenged to meet their goals.

People who receive services of the Autism Centre are considered members and have access to many services. Some members on the ASD spectrum have even developed and run new services, such as Caricature classes and evening social groups.

Facility Features

  • Mini-gym

  • Snoezelen Room

  • Rooftop garden

  • Teaching kitchen and café

  • Multi-purpose spaces. 

Services and Programs

  • 1:1 literacy

  • Computer skills program

  • Music and art classes

For more information, please contact
