Safety Tips: BBQ Season

When the warm weather approaches we all like to have fun and Barbecuing is often one of those
welcome activities, but to make sure we are able to enjoy the entire season, safety is to be kept a top priority.
Fuel Safety
A little caution when handling fuel can prevent loss of life, personal injury, and property and environmental damage. By safely transporting and storing propane we can avoid serious problems and injuries.
- if you need to transport propane, it should only be carried in approved containers, certified by agencies such as the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) or Underwriters Laboratories of Canada(ULC)
- Containers should never be filled to the top, avoid other sources of ignition Transport containers in the trunk of a vehicle, with the trunk popped open at least10 cm. for adequate ventilation
- propane cylinder tanks should be stored safely and out of reach children
- clean thoroughly before using the first time in the season
- BBQ’s require frequent cleaning. This should be done monthly and check for leaks
- burners most be removed for cleaning
- clean the BBQ with soap and water
- inspect the BBQ each time before use and check for leaks brushing soap and water at all line connections
- use a stiff brush to clean a cast iron burner, use a cloth and soapy water to clean stainless steel use a thin wire to open clogged burners
Safety Check
- carefully check for any obstruction (i.e. spider webs or nesting places of other insects) burner tubes and ports each time before using
- ensure the burner is seated properly at the gas valves when replaced
- if there is no flame or poor flame at the burner ports, immediately turn of the propane at the cylinder valve. There may be an obstruction.
- other signs of blockage include a flame in the lower part of the burner assembly, a propane smell, or a high pitch whistling noise. Turn of propane immediately and contact a licensed professional to come take a look.
- check at every use for any possible leaks.
Checking for Leaks
- To verify that fuel is moving safely through the BBQ leak checks need to beperformed through the following bubble test process
- Make a soapy solution with liquid dish soap and water
- Paint this mixture over the connections of the hose
- Open BBQ lid, Leave the BBQ valve closed and turn on the cylinder valve
- If bubbles form at the connections then there is a leak
- Close cylinder and tighten all connection and test again
- If leaks persist call a qualified person
The Propane Cylinder
- Take a propane cylinder to an authorized dealer for retesting every 10years (the manufactures retest date is on the collar of the cylinder)
- check the condition of the rubber “O” in the cylinder connection
- if it is cracked or worn it will need to be replaced and the BBQ should not be used until this has been done BBQ Time
- once safety inspections have been completed and it is safe to BBQ you may begin.
- When you are ready to grill open the lid to the BBQ before the fuel is turned on
- When you are finished Barbecuing turn off the propane tank before you turn off the BBQ flame controls
Never use a BBQ – indoors
- within a meter of an open window or other potentially combustible or flammable surfaces
- propane BBQ’s should not be used with in 10 feet of a building
- propane BBQ’s and cylinders should not be stored within a building, unless special provisions have been made to do so with the approval of the local fire department
- propane BBQ’s and cylinders should not be stored within 10 feet of any opening (doors, windows, ventilation shafts) on a building face
Keep it sanitary – do not allow raw meat and fish to come in contact with other foods
- use separate cutting boards and clean thoroughly with hot soapy water
- use two separate sets of plates and utensils, one for raw meat and another once the meat is cooked and ready to serve
- when handling and preparing fresh meat and other foods, always wash your hands and clean the preparation surfaces regularly Marinades – use only glass, ceramic, stainless steel or zip lock bags. Do not use Aluminium items
- Direct cooking, grilling this method involves placing food directly over the heat source. Recommended for food that requires short times to sear or lock in the juices before cooking indirectly
- Indirect cooking, food is cooked away from the direct source of heat. This method works well for delicate foods and when a longer cooking time is required.
- Get your cooking grills hot, Set the burners on High for at least 1 min. before you start cooking. By preheating the meat will be seared and will not stick to the grills
- Cooking with the lid down, is recommended as much as possible
- To prevent food from sticking to the warming rack, you can spray or brush on oil before lighting the BBQ, or spray food with oil before placing it on the grill
- To keep the BBQ looking and cooking like new, clean and tune it up at the start of the season
- When the BBQ is not in use keep the lid down to prevent rain or water form getting into the BBQ
- Check the propane tank for leaks weekly or any other time the line has been disconnected and then reconnected, after periods of storage or non use
- Store propane tanks in up right position in the shade away form any combustible materials
- Use long handled utensils for safe reach when cooking. These should be at least 12 inches, and will allow you to reach any item safely
- Keep it grease free and clean, this will allow the BBQ to work most efficiently and can prevent possible grease fires
- When shutting down the BBQ turn off the propane tank first. This sequence prevents residual from being left in the system
- If a burner falls to light or if the flames go out. Turn off the gas and the BBQ. Wait about 5 minutes for any accumulated gas to dissipate fore lighting the BBQ. If this does not work you may need to clean, or replace parts
- Clean off grills after each use when they are still warm so they are ready for the next use
- If you are using wooded skewer, soak them in water first for at least an hour, this way they will not burn
- Have an instant read thermometer to accurately determine when meat has reached safe internal temperature. Take extra care when cooking pork and chicken
- Remember that BBQ remain hot for some time after use and caution is required